The evolving healthcare system includes new delivery models in which primary care physicians and nurses are assuming more significant roles, with the patient more involved in decision-making and self-care. These changes require the development of inexpensive and easy-to-use medical devices and information sharing tools that provide timely health status information at the point of care (POC). NIBIB created the Point-of-Care Technologies Research Network (POCTRN) to drive the development of POC technologies through collaborative efforts that merge scientific and technological capabilities with clinical need.
For more information on the POCTRN coordinating center website.
Research and Innovation Translation Partnerships in Point-of-Care Technologies Conference and Technology Showcase
NIH, academia, and industry experts gathered to share and learn about best practices, leveraging resources and new opportunities to collaborate in support of the rapid development, commercialization, and implementation of innovative point-of-care and home-based diagnostic technologies.
See the videocast from this event: Day 1 | Day 2
Join the NIBIB Point of Care Technologies listserv to receive email notices regarding point of care technology announcements and POCTRN center solicitations.
POCTRN Center Awards
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