Funded Projects for Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Grant Number Project Title Principal Investigator Institution
1-R01-EB033790-01A1 SORDINO-fMRI for mouse brain applications Yen-Yu Shih Univ of North Carolina Chapel Hill
1-R21-EB034865-01 Stretchable Coils for Low-Field, Portable MRI Clarissa Cooley Massachusetts General Hospital
5-R01-EB031790-03 Super Resolution for Improved Multislice Prostate MRI Stephen Riederer Mayo Clinic Rochester
1-R56-EB034902-01 Technology for MR brain monitoring Lawrence Wald Massachusetts General Hospital
2-P41-EB027061-06 Technology to Realize the Full Potential of UHF MRI Gregory Metzger University of Minnesota
1-R13-EB030377-01 The sixth international workshop on metabolic imaging Rahim Rizi University of Pennsylvania
1-R01-EB034730-01A1 Time-efficient MRI and deuterium metabolic imaging (DMI) through parallel signal acquisition Robin De Graaf Yale University
5-U01-EB028660-05 Time-Gated Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy for functional imaging of the human brain Maria Angela Franceschini Massachusetts General Hospital
5-U01-EB031641-03 Toward functional molecular neuroimaging using vasoactive probes in human subjects Alan Jasanoff Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1-K99-EB035647-01 Toward unshielded MRI for improved safety and access Ehsan Kazemivalipour Massachusetts General Hospital