NIBIB-supported Centers for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering


Project Title Grantee Name Grantee Institution
Mobilize Center: Models for Mobile Sensing and Precision Rehabilitation Scott Delp Stanford University
MRI Resource for Physiologic, Metabolic and Anatomic Biomarkers Peter Van Zijl Hugo W. Moser Res Inst Kennedy Krieger
ReproNim: A Center for Reproducible Neuroimaging Computation David Kennedy Univ of Massachusetts Med Sch Worcester
Technology to Realize the Full Potential of UHF MRI Gregory Metzger University of Minnesota
The Johns Hopkins Translational ImmunoEngineering (JH-TIE) BTRC Jonathan Schneck Johns Hopkins University
The National Center for Interventional Biophotonic Technologies (NCIBT) Laura Marcu University of California at Davis
The PET Radiotracer Translation and Resource Center (PET-RTRC) Robert Gropler Washington University
Tissue Engineering Resource Center Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic Columbia University Health Sciences