Edward C. Nagy New Investigator Award Policy



The NIBIB has established a New Investigator Pay Plan with the aim of improving the success that new investigators have in applying for R01 awards.


  • NIBIB staff will identify grant applications by investigators new to the NIH;
  • New investigators who have scores within 5 percentile points of the NIBIB stated pay line for any given fiscal year will be selected for funding.

This policy will apply only to Program Announcement and unsolicited R01 applications.

These and all awards to new investigators have been re-named to honor a dedicated colleague. At the time of his sudden death on July 29, 2006, Edward C. Nagy was the Executive Director of the Academy of Radiology Research and was instrumental in the enactment of legislation to create the NIBIB. He was also a tireless, uncommonly effective advocate for biomedical research.

Resources for New Investigators: https://grants2.nih.gov/grants/new_investigators/