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NIBIB in the News · June 12, 2023

Therapeutic nanocarriers engineered from adult skin cells can curb inflammation and tissue injury in damaged mouse lungs, new research shows, hinting at the promise of a treatment for lungs severely injured by infection or trauma. Source: Ohio State University/Science Daily

NIBIB in the News · June 8, 2023

In Late January 2023, NIBIB launched a new center designed to accelerate biomedical discovery and therapeutics, in part by pulling together expert, multidisciplinary teams from throughout NIH to quickly respond when national or global health crises strike. Source: IEEE Pulse

Science Highlights · June 8, 2023

This interview with Maryellen Giger, PhD, delves into the creation of the MIDRC imaging repository, how its data can be used to develop and evaluate AI algorithms, ways that bias can be introduced—and potentially mitigated—in medical imaging models, and what the future may hold.

NIBIB in the News · June 6, 2023

The University of Minnesota and Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, in New Zealand, are investing $12 million from two grants supplied by the National Institutes of Health into the development of a 0.7T portable MR for head scans, which they hope will improve access to imaging in remote and resource-limited areas. Source: DOTmed Healh Care Business News.

NIBIB in the News · June 6, 2023

An artificial intelligence computer program that processes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can accurately identify changes in brain structure that result from repeated head injury, a new study in student athletes shows. These variations have not been captured by other traditional medical images such as computerized tomography (CT) scans. The new technology, researchers say, may help design new diagnostic tools to better understand subtle brain injuries that accumulate over time. Source: NYU Langone Health, NYU Grossman School of Medicine/Science Daily

Science Highlights · June 6, 2023

One day, the ultrasound equipment that health care professionals use for essential diagnostic imaging may no longer be confined to the clinic, instead operated by patients in the comfort of their homes. New research marks a major step toward that future.

Science Highlights · June 2, 2023

Researchers have shown that an automated cancer diagnostic method, which pairs cutting-edge ultrasound techniques with artificial intelligence, can accurately diagnose thyroid cancer, of which there are more than 40,000 new cases every year.

NIBIB in the News · May 30, 2023

New research has demonstrated that a wearable brain scanner can measure brain function whilst people are standing and walking around. This breakthrough could help better understand and diagnose a range of neurological problems that affect movement, including Parkinson's Disease, stroke and concussion. Source: University of Nottingham/Science Daily

NIBIB in the News · May 30, 2023

Researchers induced a hibernation-like state in mice by using ultrasound to stimulate the hypothalamus preoptic area in the brain, which helps to regulate body temperature and metabolism. The findings show the first noninvasive and safe method to induce such a state; a similar condition has been previously proposed for spaceflight or for patients with life-threatening health conditions. Source: Washington University in St. Louis/Science Daily