Project Information
Funding opportunity announcement: PAR-23-235
Below are section by section instructions for completing and submitting the P41 white paper for applications with direct costs equal to or exceeding $500,000.
The template must be used for the white paper. Download the template here. Please Note: The white paper must be submitted at least 12 weeks before the application submission date.
Project Title - enter project title on this line in the template
PD/PI Name - enter the PD/PI on this line in the template
MPI Name - enter the MPI name, if any on this line in the template
Email Address - enter email address on this line in the template
Institution - enter name of institution on this line in the template
Application Type - Choose an item from the drop down list.
Not to exceed 2 pages.
Overview must Include: significance, innovation, uniqueness, and national impact of proposed center. Overall Premise and Goal:
- Significance: the need and the impact.
- Innovation Across the TR&D Projects: what is new in the proposed TR&D projects and Center? What are the technological gaps that the Center technology would bridge, if successful, to address unmet clinical need?
- Uniqueness: what makes the proposed technologies/tools and solutions unique and demanding (investigators, resources, and environment are review criteria, not uniqueness)? why would a researcher come to your Center rather than going to the university around the corner?
- National Impact of the Center: the clear demand for technologies/tools, geographical and scientific distribution of initial CPs/SPs, and potential to advance basic understanding of diseases and improving healthcare.
Technology Research and Development (TR&D) Projects
Approximately 1 page per TR&D project.
TR&D projects must include project title, lead PI names and efforts, and TR&D projects’ description, specific aims, deliverables, and synergy.
- Title, Lead PI(s) name(s) and effort(s) in calendar months (CM)
- Overview
- Specific Aims
- Deliverables
- The primary lead is expected to be well-established in the field with significant commitment to the TR&D project (see NOFO for detais).
Synergy among TR&D Projects
Not to exceed ½ page and should include:
- How TR&D projects complement or interact with each other?
- Graphical representation will be helpful.
Environment and Resources
Not to exceed 1 page and should include:
- How the project environment and resources are suitable for the proposed research?
Collaborating Projects (CPs)
Approximately 2 pages.
This section must include: PI name, organization, grant number, duration of funding, grant title, summary of relevant part of the grant, and the highlight of push-pull interactions between CP and specific TR&D Projects, and a summary table of interactions.
- CP#: PI name, organization, grant number, duration of funding, and grant title.
- Project Summary: summary of relevant part of the grant, and the highlight of Push-Pull interactions between the CP and specific TR&D projects
- Push: how is the Center pushing the TR&Ds projects’ technologies to the CP to advance their research efforts or to address an unmet need/challenge of the CP?
- Pull: how do the CP’s research efforts and needs challenge and stimulate TR&D projects to result in development of additional advanced technologies? (simply testing the technology, providing feedback or data generated by the Center’s technology is part of the “push”, and is not considered as a “pull”).
- Impact on the CPs: how do the CPs benefit from the Center’s technologies?
- Please ensure that the funding of individual CP project is not expiring before or shortly after the start of the P41 center, should the proposed project be funded.
- For renewal, label the new CPs as New.
Service Projects (SPs)
Not to exceed 2 pages.
This section should include: PI name, organization, grant number, duration of funding, grant title, summary of relevant part of grant, the highlight of push and services provided to the SP by specific TR&D Projects, and a summary table of interactions.
- SP#: PI name, organization, grant number, duration of funding, grant title.
- Project Summary: summary of relevant part of grant, and the interaction between the SP and specific TR&D projects.
- Push: how is the Center pushing the TR&D projects technologies to SPs? What technologies are received to solve a biomedical/clinical question?
- Advancements to the SPs: how do the SPs benefit from the Center’s technologies?
- For renewal, label the new CPs as New.
Graphical Interactions of CPs and SPs with TR&D Projects
Complete this section only for described SPs and CPs.
Geographical Distribution Map for the Described CPs and SPs
Complete this section only for described SPs and CPs.
Technology Training and Dissemination (TTD) Activities
Approximately 1 page
Training should address diverse needs from different users. Plans for dissemination activities should have sufficient details and should not be too general, e.g., specific targeted conference names are expected.
Center Administration
Approximately ½ page. This section should include:
- Leadership Plan
- Organization Chart
- External Advisory Board (EAC) Recommendation: if renewal
- Sunset Plan: if last renewal
Brief Progress Report and Achievements
Not to exceed 2 pages.
Only complete this section if renewal.
Distinction from the Current Center
Not to exceed 1 page.
Only complete this section if a new submission after the sunset.
Introduction Addressing the Review Comments
Approximately 1 page.
Only complete this section if resubmission.
- All changes within the white paper text in compared to the previous white paper submission should be highlighted.
Not to exceed 1 page.
Summary of Budget Justification
Not to exceed 2 pages.
This section should include all personnel and equipment as follows:
- Personnel including names, roles, and efforts for lead PIs and key investigators, title, and brief description of their contribution to this project for each major component as well as the overall Center.
- All major components: Admin, TR&D projects, TTD.
- Major equipment list with justification.
- Overall justification for travel, material and supplies, and other expenses
- Various institutional support, such as salary support, facility resources, equipment/supplies, matching funds, etc. should be summarized here, with estimated dollar amount if possible.
Estimated Budget Table Including Timetable
Not to exceed 2 pages.
This section should include a timetable for years 1 to 5.
- Must use the Budget Template locted on the P41 webpage. Provide the excel file separately.
- Information for each TR&D project (PI, percent effort, graduate students, etc.) should be provided and consistent with budget justification. Please note that the equipment costs should not be included when calculating indirect costs.
NIH Biosketches
This section should include the role in the project for PDs and TR&D Project’s lead investigators
- Current and recently finished grant support information (grant number, title, total award, award duration, a brief summary, etc.) should be included.