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Science Highlights · March 18, 2021

Abnormal heart rhythms—cardiac arrhythmias—are a major worldwide health problem. Now scientists are using ultrasound for more accurate maps of arrhythmic sites in the heart for improved success of ablation procedures.

Science Highlights · February 24, 2021

Sometimes scientists discover exciting results after spending years searching for an answer to a single question. But sometimes discoveries are made by surprising collaborations and connections—resulting in answers to questions no one would have thought ask.

Science Highlights · January 19, 2021

The Medical Imaging and Data Resource Center (MIDRC), a collaboration of leading medical imaging organizations funded by NIBIB, has launched a repository of imaging data to facilitate medical imaging research on COVID-19.

Science Highlights · January 12, 2021

The National Institutes of Health has awarded three new contracts totaling $36.7 million for the development of new COVID-19 diagnostic testing technologies and production of specimen collection kits and swabs. The Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) initiative has advanced the scale-up of 25 testing projects since July 2020, which now include lab-based, point-of-care, and potential at-home formats.

Science Highlights · December 28, 2020

Research into what is known as the gut-brain axis continues to reveal how the brain and gut influence each other’s health and well-being. Now researchers are endeavoring to learn more about gut-brain discourse using a model system built in a lab dish.

Science Highlights · December 8, 2020

Every year thousands of Americans, mostly over age 75, require replacement of their aortic valve. Now 3D printed patient-specific models of the aorta can aid presurgical planning and improve outcomes of minimally invasive valve replacement.

Science Highlights · November 5, 2020

The COVID-19 Test Us program was conceived soon after the RADx launch in April to facilitate clinical studies for testing technologies in the real-word setting.

Science Highlights · August 12, 2020

NIBIB-funded researchers have created nanoparticles for successful gene therapy of a mouse model of macular degeneration. The nanoparticle carriers have the potential to significantly expand the effectiveness of gene therapies for human eye diseases, including blindness.

Science Highlights · August 10, 2020

NIBIB mourns the passing of molecular imaging pioneer and NIBIB Advisory Council member, Sanjiv “Sam” Gambhir, M.D., Ph.D.