Meet the investigators of the BETA Center.
Grégoire Altan-Bonnet

Dan Benjamini

Nadia Biassou

Mustapha Bouhrara

Institute: NIA
Lab: MRPAD Unit (Magnetic Resonance Physics of Aging and Dementia Unit) Lab
Kong Chen

Institute: NIDDK
Lab: Chief, Energy Metabolism Section, Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Obesity Branch; Director Human Energy and Body Weight Regulation Core
Hoi Sung Chung

Institute: NIDDK
Lab: Single-Molecule Biophysics Section/Laboratory of Chemical Physics (LCP)
Yamini Dalal

Institute: NCI, CCR
Lab: Chromosome Structure and Epigenetic Mechanisms, Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression
Diane Damiano

Institute: CC
Lab: Neurorehabilitation and Biomechanics Research Section & Pediatric Imaging and Neuroplasticity Team
Mary Dasso

Institute: NICHD
Lab: Section on Cell Cycle Regulation
Zhi-De Deng

Institute: NIMH
Lab: Computational Neurostimulation Research Program, Noninvasive Neuromodulation Unit, Experimental Therapeutics and Pathophysiology Branch
Parinaz Fathi

Joseph Frank

Natalia Gudino

Mitchell Ho

Sadhana Jackson

Institute: NINDS
Lab: Developmental Therapeutics and Pharmacology, Surgical Neurology Branch
Jennifer Jones

Institute: NCI
Lab: Translational NanoBiology Section, Laboratory of Pathology, Center for Cancer Research
Masaru Kanekiyo

Institute: NIAID
Lab: Molecular Immunoengineering Section (MIS), Vaccine Research Center (VRC)
John Karanian

Institute: CC
Lab: Center for Interventional Oncology (CIO)/Interventional Radiology Laboratory (IRL)
John Kehrl

Alan Koretsky

Institute: NINDS
Lab: Section on Plasticity and Imaging of the Nervous System (SPINS), Laboratory of Functional and Molecular Imaging
Andre Larochelle

Richard Leapman

Robert Lederman

Institute: NHLBI
Lab: NHLBI Laboratory of Cardiovascular Intervention
Tom Misteli

Institute: NCI, CCR
Lab: Cell Biology of Genomes Group, Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression
Robert Morhard

Institute: CC
Lab: Center for Interventional Oncology
Jenna Mueller

Institute: University of Maryland, College Park
Lab: Global Biomedical Devices Laboratory
Aleksandra Nita-Lazar

Institute: NIAID
Lab: Functional Cellular Networks Section, Laboratory of Immune System Biology
Scott Norberg

Institute: NCI
Lab: Clinical Investigator and Translational Researcher in the Center for Immuno-Oncology
Carlo Pierpaoli

Manu Platt

Institute: NIBIB
Lab: Section on Mechanics and Tissue Remodeling Integrating Computational & Experimental Systems
Tom Pohida

Institute: NIBIB
Lab: Instrumentation Development and Engineering Application Solutions (IDEAS) Lab
Randall Pursley

Institute: NIBIB
Lab: Instrumentation Development and Engineering Application Solutions (IDEAS) Lab
Kumaran Ramamurthi

Noriko Sato

Peter Schuck

Ronald Summers

Jennifer Webster-Cyriaque

Institute: NIAID/NIDCR
Lab: Viral Oral Infections in Immunosuppression and Cancer Laboratory
Roberto Weigert

Institute: NCI, CCR
Lab: Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology and Intravital Microscopy Core
Matthew Wolf

Institute: NCI, CCR
Lab: Cancer Biomaterials Engineering Section, Cancer Innovation Laboratory
Brad Wood

Institute: NCI, CCR
Lab: Clinical Center Interventional Radiology & NCI/CCR/CC/NIBIB Center for Interventional Oncology
Lichen Xiang

Institute: NINR
Lab: Division of Intramural Research (DIR)