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Zaghloul – 2024

Mentor: Kareem Zaghloul |
Functional and Restorative Neurosurgery Unit

Engineering approaches involving computational and signal to develop insights into the neural code of the human brain

The Functional and Restorative Neurosurgery Unity is part of the Surgical Neurology Branch in the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Our lab exploits the unique investigative opportunities provided by intracranial electrical recordings during neurosurgical procedures. Using recordings captured from epilepsy patients implanted with subdural and depth electrodes, we investigate the activation of cortical networks during memory encoding and recall. Our work combines elements of computational, systems, and cognitive neuroscience to examine the neural mechanisms that underlie our ability to form and retrieve memories in humans. Our research involves computational, signal processing, and engineering approaches to develop insights into the neural code of the human brain, and to frame empirical findings captured in our data within theoretical proposal related to human memory. Projects that interns would be involved in include:

  • Analyzing neural signals captured from intracranial EEG electrodes and correlating those signals with memory formation and retrieval
  • Investigating the role of single unit action potentials in the temporal lobe as individuals form memories
  • Engineering approaches to capture and analyze neural signals from the human brain in real time
  • Investigating the effects of direct electrical stimulation of the human brain on neural local field potential and spiking activity
Intern Name
Rahil Verma
Intern Institution: Duke University
Project Title: Characterizing the Role of Cortical Traveling Waves in Human Attention and Memory