Publications authored by IDEAS researchers and collaborators and featuring IDEAS developed technologies.
Physiological Recording in the MRI Environment (PRiME): MRI-compatible hemodynamic recording system
Reliability of a novel video-based method for assessing age-related changes in upper limb kinematics
Video analysis system for behavior and activity assessment of fruit flies in high-throughput studies
Scalable vision system for mouse homecage ethology
Effects of aging on current vocalization threshold in mice measured by a novel nociception assay
Cascaded regression for 3D pose estimation for mouse in fisheye lens distomonocular images
Three dimensional pose estimation of mouse from monocular images in comsystems
Neural bases of categorization of simple speech and nonspeech sounds
3D-Printing for Analytical Ultracentrifugation
Enhanced endothelium-dependent vasodilation in Fabry disease
Single-trial fMRI shows contralesional activity linked to overt naming errors in chronic aphpatients
Microfabricated polymeric vessel mimetics for 3-D cancer cell culture
Multiple Redundant Medulla Projection Neurons Mediate Color Vision in Drosophila
Proteomic analysis of nuclei dissected from fixed rat brain tissue using expresmicrodissection
Atlas based AAM and SVM model for fully automatic MRI prostate segmentation
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging System for In Vivo Studies
11C-Acetate PET/CT Imaging in Localized Prostate Cancer: A study with MRI and HistopatholCorrelation
Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging tumor volume with histopathology
A hematoma detector-a practical application of instrumental motion as signal in near infraimaging
A multivariate hypothesis testing framework for tissue clustering and classification of DTI data
Motion Tracking Using Optical Navigation During in-vivo Two-Photon Microscopy Novel Method for Correlating MRI and Histopathology Using Patient-Specific MR-based Molds Pathological Correlation of Radiological-Detected Prostate Cancer Lesions by a Novel Technique (unavailable)
Expression Microdissection: A Novel Immuno-Based Dissection Technology for Cellular and Nuclear Procurement (unavailable)
MONICA: A Compact, Portable Dual Gamma Camera System for Mouse Whole-Body Imaging
An Instrument for Performing Laser Capture Microdissection of Single Cells (unavailable)
Laser capture microdissection of single cells from complex tissues
Real-time three-dimensional echocardiography for measurement of left ventricular volumes