Explore more about: Neurodegenerative



Learn about Dr. Quyen Nguyen's scientific accomplishments throughout her career journey and her advice for women scientists.


A new spectroscopic technique reveals that glucose use in live cells provides valuable information about the functional status of cells, tissues, and organs. Shifts in a cell’s use of glucose can signal changes in health and progress of disease.


NIBIB-funded researchers use passive cavitation imaging, an ultrasound imaging technique, to create an image and estimate the amount of drug that crossed the blood-brain barrier to reach a specific location in the brain.


Researchers funded by NIBIB have designed neuron-like probes that can be implanted and remain viable for long-term use to study and treat the brain.


Dr. Sanjay Jain explores "tricorder" from Star Trek, a hand-held scanner waved over a patient to detect injury and heal all manner of maladies.