Jiji Chen


Jiji Chen
Staff Scientist

Dr. Chen received his PhD in 2011 from Purdue University under Joseph Irudayaraj. His doctoral work utilized single molecule spectroscopy and time resolved techniques to study epigenetic modifications in single cells. He then joined the Transcription Imaging Consortium at the HHMI Janelia Research Campus to do his post-doctoral fellowship with Maxime Dahan and Robert Tjian. At Janelia, Dr. Chen co-developed the multifocus microscope – a widefield fluorescence microscope capable of imaging multiple focal planes simultaneously. He then combined multifocus microscopy with single molecule imaging to quantitatively track the interactions of transcription factors at endogenous binding elements in 3D in live cells.

Dr. Chen joined the NIH in 2016 as the Co-Operating Director of the Advanced Imaging and Microscopy Resource.

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Sci Adv
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J Virol
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Wu YHan XSu YGlidewell MDaniels JSLiu JSengupta TRey-Suarez IFischer RPatel ACombs CSun JWu XChristensen RSmith CBao LSun YDuncan LHChen JPommier YShi YBMurphy ERoy SUpadhyaya AColón-Ramos DLa Riviere PShroff H
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Chen JSasaki HLai HSu YLiu JWu YZhovmer ACombs CARey-Suarez IChang HYHuang CCLi XGuo MNizambad SUpadhyaya ALee SJLucas LAGShroff H
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Peluso EAUpdegrove TBChen JShroff HRamamurthi KS
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2019 Feb

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2018 Aug 08

Guo MChandris PGiannini JPTrexler AJFischer RChen JVishwasrao HDRey-Suarez IWu YWu XWaterman CMPatterson GHUpadhyaya ATaraska JWShroff H
Nat Methods
2018 Jun

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Mol Cell
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