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Huaying Zhao


After receiving her Ph.D. in Chemistry, with a specialization in protein biochemistry, Dr. Zhao spent two years on her post-doctoral research at the University of Maryland, where she worked on the study of protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions.  Dr. Zhao joined the NIBIB as a Research Fellow in 2008.  She has been working in the intramural research’s Laboratory of Cellular Imaging and Macromolecular Biophysics, Dynamics of Macromolecular Assembly Section on development of biophysical methodology for characterizing a variety of macromolecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, polymers and nanoparticles.  Her current work has focused on applications of advanced techniques of biophysics and physical biochemistry, including sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation, isothermal titration calorimetry, fluorescence spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance biosensing.  Dr Zhao’s interests are in adapting these methods and further developing new biophysical approaches as necessary for the study of a variety of systems of interacting macromolecules.

Wang RNatarajan KRevilleza MJBoyd LFZhi LZhao HRobinson HMargulies DH
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
2012 Dec 18

Keller SVargas CZhao HPiszczek GBrautigam CASchuck P
Anal Chem
2012 Jun 05

Zhao HBerger AJBrown PHKumar JBalbo AMay CACasillas ELaue TMPatterson GHMayer MLSchuck P
J Gen Physiol
2012 May

Cash JNAngerman EBKattamuri CNolan KZhao HSidis YKeutmann HTThompson TB
J Biol Chem
2012 Jan 06

Prasad AZhao HRutherford JMHousley NNichols CPedigo S
2006 Jan 01