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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) today announced three new contracts and one new award to an existing contract for scale-up and manufacturing of novel COVID-19 testing technologies.


The COVID-19 Test Us program was conceived soon after the RADx launch in April to facilitate clinical studies for testing technologies in the real-word setting.


The winners of National Institutes of Health’s 9th annual Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams (DEBUT) challenge developed simple and low-cost diagnostics and treatments for conditions such as tuberculosis, cervical cancer, birth defects, and onchocerciasis (river blindness).


NIH is investing $248.7 million in new technologies to address challenges associated with COVID-19 testing (which detects SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus). NIH’s RADx initiative has awarded contracts to seven biomedical diagnostic companies to support a range of new lab-based and point-of-care tests.


NIH has announced a new initiative aimed at speeding innovation, development and commercialization of COVID-19 testing technologies, a pivotal component needed to return to normal during this unprecedented global pandemic.


Bioengineers have created a blood-drawing robot that performed as well or better than technicians. The device could increase blood draw success from difficult- to-find veins and allow healthcare workers more time to treat patients.


The National Institutes of Health has launched a $1 million Technology Accelerator Challenge (TAC) to spur the design and development of non-invasive, handheld, digital technologies to detect, diagnose, and guide therapies for diseases with high global and public health impact.


Painless skin patch collects fluid to monitor biomarkers to speed up and simplify routine diagnostic testing. 


A new report, with contributions from NIBIB provides a roadmap for translational research on artificial intelligence (AI) in medical imaging. The report, published in the May 28, 2019, Journal of the American College of Radiology.


A team of NIH-funded researchers at Stanford University Medical School has found that children with autism improved measurably on a test of socialization and learning when their therapy included an at-home intervention with Google Glass.